What's New
Events and Schedule
Range Locations
Membership Info
Contact OSA


2024 Calendar is now updated with PractiScore links to the end of the season.  


No Photos or Videos

We do not permit any photography at the MilCun Training Center. Our Range Officers will be watching for the use of any electronic image capture devices and will ask you to put such devices away. If you have questions about this policy, email OSA Secretary.


Support our Sponsors

Our links page shows all the sponsors and prize donors from our previous year of operations. Please support our sponsors as they support you!


Membership Renewals

Thanks to everyone who renew their memberships promptly! Both Bob and Linda appreciate having these done on time!


FaceBook Page

The Operational Shooting Association FaceBook Page is updated often... stay in touch for news and updates, including political and other items of interest to the OSA crowd. With the current battles going on in social media, we will do our best to continue our page on FaceBook. www.facebook.com/myosacanada

OSA Website ©2024 OSA and MilCun Training Center (MilCun Marksmanship Complex)

The Operational Shooting Association Inc. (OSA) is incorporated as a not-for-profit under the laws of Ontario Canada and is affiliated with the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA). MilCun (MilCun Training Center and MilCun Marksmanship Complex) is a licensed firearms business, offering range services, training, publications, consulting and gunsmithing to recreational and professional marksmen.